Dr. Paolo Zannetti presented a 3-day virtual short course on Introduction to Air Pollution Modeling through the Wessex Institute of Technology on November 29 - December 1, 2022. Below are the summary of topics for each day, along with the recorded lecture videos.
Day 1
Chemical Releases
Atmospheric Processes
Air Pollution Meteorology
Criteria Pollutants
Hazardous/Toxic Pollutants
Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions of Pollutants and Estimates of Emission Rates
Industrial Activities
Basic Concepts of Computer Modeling
Day 2
Dispersion Modeling
Emission Estimates
The Gaussian Plume Model
The Gaussian Distribution
Plume Rise
Gaussian Puff Models
Grid Models
Photochemical Models
Deposition Modeling
Particle Modeling
Modeling of Adverse Effects
Day 3
Special model applications (Regulatory, Litigation, Real-Time Forecast)