The Google Chrome browser automatically offers to translate a webpage that is not in the browser's default language setting. Follow these instructions to utilize this feature or to change Chrome's language setting.
You can also use the Google Translate website to provide a URL to translate that webpage. Instructions to do so are found in this guide.
A couple different ways to translate a PDF are described in this wikiHow article, including Google Translate and DocTranslator. The Google Translate feature will also translate other types of documents, such as .doc and .ppt.
A few other ways to translate a PDF are described in this guide which includes using methods such as PDF to Word Converter or Google Docs.
If a YouTube video author has provided closed captions for their video, then the captions can be auto-translated into any of YouTube's supported languages. All APSI-generated videos will have this option. To change the video caption language using YouTube in a web browser, follow these steps: